6 Facts You Must Know About Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is a common issue in men. As per studies, men suffer from hair loss more than women. Hence, the demand for hair loss treatment for men in the UK is higher than for women.
No matter whether you are a man or woman, it is embarrassing to not have enough hair on your scalp. Hair is considered a vital part of our physical appearance. Both men and women love to flaunt their naturally beautiful, thick, and shiny hair. But, extreme hair loss can make them bald, and that can cause a huge amount of social embarrassment for them.
Advanced treatment in reliable hair loss clinics in London can be a nice solution for this. However, before you start opting for a clinic near you, there are few facts about hair loss that you must know.
Hair Loss and Some Shocking Facts
- The male-pattern hair loss is mostly hereditary. People get it in their genes. It usually begins at the letter part of their lives. However, in some males, the sign of hair loss can be seen at an early age too. Male-pattern baldness typically begins with receding hairlines. Then thinning hair starts at the temples and the crown.
- Female-pattern hair loss is also normal but not as common as its male counterparts. Usually, it affects post-menopausal women. Women experience hair loss at the top of their head, and hair starts to become thinner in this part.
- Alopecia areata is a typical type of hair loss that can happen to both men and women. This is an issue of the scalp, and autoimmune disorder in your body is the main reason for this kind of hair loss of baldness. This simply means your natural immune system attacks the hair follicles and becomes the reason for extreme hair loss in a certain part of your body. For men, it can happen to their beards as well.
- Hair loss is natural, and everyone every day goes through this. We lose hair naturally every day without any health issues. However, new hair follicles take the place of those fallen hair. When this growth stops and our hair cycle stop producing more hair than we lose every day, you can notice baldness.
- In some cases, the use of excessive hair care products containing harsh chemicals can cause hair loss and baldness. Hence, it is important to consult hair care specialists before using certain hair care products.
- It is highly required to take good care of your hair to ensure its long life. Washing and combing hair regularly is necessary to keep them tangle-free and prevent unwanted hair loss.
Hair Transplant Treatment
If unfortunately, you are experiencing hair loss, you should go for a reliable and reputable hair loss clinic in London to get some remedies. These clinics have experts of hair loss treatment who can examine your current hair quality to determine the right type of treatment process for you.
At Want Hair, you offer an advanced FUE method to treat hair loss in both men and women. If you need to know in detail about our services, please get in touch with us.