Procedure & Results and Side Effects Of FUE Hair Transplant

The Follicular Unit Extraction, also known as Fue hair transplant, is a hair restoration procedure, which you can use to regrow your hair back after experiencing the problem of hair loss. This hair treatment procedure has been much common than Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) procedure, and it is because FUE leads to less or no scars as opposed to the FUT procedure.
If you were worried about undergoing the Fue hair transplant procedure, you are at the right place. Here, you will learn how the whole process occurs, its side effects, and the cost. After this, you will then be able to decide on whether to go for one or not.
The procedure of FUE hair transplant
The surgeon performs the procedure by extracting hair follicles from other body parts, usually the donor site, and transplants them on the area where you’re experiencing hair thinning, usually the recipient site. With that, you will be able to regrow thicker and healthy hair.
FUE came about to replace the FUT procedure. On the other hand, the FUT procedure uses the whole piece of skin together with the hair follicles that the surgeon implants on the targeted area. However, Fue transplant has become much more common than FUT.
You can be the best candidate for an FUE transplant if you’re experiencing baldness and have enough hair on other parts of the body or skin. The doctor will safely extract the hair and transplant it to the area where you would need them.
People who don’t have enough hair for extraction and transplantation can not undergo the Fue hair transplant procedure. If you’re such a victim, then you may opt for another hair loss treatment procedure, like the use of minoxidil to regrow your hair.
Results of FUE hair transplant
Most patients usually ask themselves how long they would stay after undergoing an FUE transplant to obtain the results. In most cases, they always need permanent outcomes. However, you will only get a long-lasting rest if you approach a well-experienced surgeon for the procedure. You need to know how he has been previously performing and the level of his skills.
You’re likely to have an enhanced hairline after completing your hair restoration process. However, it may differ from patient to patient. The chances of you experiencing some hair fall after the procedure are always there, and however, it is always temporary and would go away after some time.
The growth of new permanent hair would begin after that. You will notice the results four to six months after the procedure. It may also take up to one year in some patients. Fue hair transplant is likely to give you permanent results, and it is because the transplantation procedure is always healthy.
Generally, the FUE transplant cost will depend on many factors such as the number of grafts the surgeon would transplant, the type of the surgeon, your location, etc. However, it would help if you approached a well-experienced surgeon for safety purposes.
Side effects of Fue hair transplant
Various risks may come out as a result of an FUE hair transplant. They include;
- You may suffer from the development of infections.
- Slight swelling of follicles.
- You may develop crust or drainage at the surgery site.
- You may experience bleeding in the area.
- The surgery area may be itchy and have a tingling sensation.
- You may have swelling and pain in the area where you did the transplantation.
- You may have numbness in the surgery area.
- You may also continue experiencing baldness or thinning even after the procedure, although it is always rare and would disappear after some time.
- Your natural hair may not be similar to the transplanted ones.
Final words
A Fue hair transplant can help you regrow back your hair fully without having any scars. It would be best to have hair on other skin parts, which the surgeon can extract and transplant on the thinning area. The FUE hair transplant cost would depend on many factors, and it usually has more minor side effects, making a better hair restoration procedure for you.