The Role Of The Various School Stakeholders!

School stakeholder
A school is a place where your kid studies. If your child has a particular need, You may call him to meet one of the many specialized and professional counselors who work at the school. Orthopedagogue, social worker, special education technician. Who are they, and what will be their role with your child exactly?
The role of the various school stakeholders
Several specialized and professional counselors work in schools to help students with special needs. Depending on the problem, your child may be offered occasional or regular follow-up. Here is the role of each of them. Teach your kids counting numbers
The remedial teacher
He performs an assessment and an intervention with students who have or are likely to have learning difficulties in reading, writing, or mathematics.
Speech therapist
Specialist in communication disorders, he assesses and treats students with various problems, including expressive language (speaking and writing) and receptive language (understanding and reading), and communication (related to deafness or hearing loss). Intellectual disability) or speech (such as stuttering).
The school psychologist
He specializes in mental health as well as learning and adaptation difficulties in schools. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of the stages of child development, he can advise the school team and parents by putting the problem in a broader perspective. It can intervene as much with students, and parents as teachers.
The psychoeducation
Its role is to assess and support students who have adjustment difficulties that manifest themselves on the behavioral level. Their objective is to promote their social integration and autonomy and prevent or resolve any conflicts.
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Social worker
He intervenes with a student when the latter experiences difficulties in his environment, and these difficulties have repercussions on his functioning at school. He provides the link between the school environment, parents, and the health and social services system, to which he generally reports even if he works at school. In particular, he performs individual or group counseling and consultations with students, school staff, and parents.
The Special Education Technician (TES)
He works to facilitate and maintain the social integration or rehabilitation of students who have adjustment difficulties related to a physical or intellectual disability, behavioral disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, or mental health problem.
The guidance counselor
Specializing in assessing psychological and personal resources, he supports students in discovering their personality traits, values , and interests, to encourage them to persevere in school and find their place in the workplace, within society.
The disabled student attendant (PEH)
It helps students with disabilities evolve in the school context, whether by assisting them in their travels or by ensuring their well-being, hygiene, and safety, according to their needs or the instructions
received within the framework of an intervention plan.
A winning collaboration!
If you think that your child could benefit from the help of one of these interveners, do not hesitate to talk about it with his teacher or with the school administration, clearly identifying your child’s need.
The interveners often work in several schools simultaneously, which can lead to waiting times before being able to meet them.
Finally, even if each of these interveners has a well-defined role to play with your child at school, remember that they all work as a team to ensure the most effective intervention possible and lead him to school success!
Directors general of school boards
The directors-general of school boards are actors in the school who ensure that the needs of the students under their responsibility are met with flexibility, adaptability, and flexibility. As immediate superiors, the directors of the establishment must first understand the specific circumstances that arise within their establishment, support all the solutions necessary to achieve all the measures to achieve the objectives that they set during management and success agreements, and all of this must be established annually.
To remember
Several specialists and professionals work in schools to help children with special needs. If you believe your kids need help, don’t stop to talk to their teacher or the school administration. The interveners work in collaboration with the family and the school to promote the child’s academic success.