Is Setting up a Business in 2021 a Good Idea?
Many people ask themselves this question, because in the current economic context, it is not a simple decision to make.
Indeed, when the economy is growing, it is necessarily easier because you can take a parenthesis of one year to test a project. With a conventional termination if necessary. And, then resume a salaried job if the idea is not profitable.
In a context of crisis or uncertainty, the tendency is rather to play it safe. And, to keep your idea for the return of the good days of the economy. However, it is not necessarily the right solution to postpone your project, for several reasons.
More and more of you are considering starting your own business for various reasons. But, above all out of a thirst for independence and the desire to face new challenges.
You hear around you that it has become very easy to get started, but is it really easy to start a business and incorporate a company?
It is indeed easy today to test an idea of starting a business or creating a micro-enterprise requiring little investment and stocks, employing no employee and presenting no particular risks.
The creation of a company “with development and growth potential” requires, for its part, to act methodically, to take the time to prepare your project carefully and to seek financing adapted to the project. If you are sticking to your business idea, company incorporation services can help you in the entire process.
All of this takes time and naturally cannot be done with a single click.
To build a business creation project and increase its chances of success, it is recommended to act methodically by respecting chronological stages:
Company Creation Steps
- First, find an idea for creating a business. Then, check the good adequacy between his personal project and the requirements related to the exploitation of this idea.
- The idea will thus gradually turn into a project. After, into a business if a serious market study confirms that it is likely to interest a sufficient number of customers.
- A good analysis of the target clientele makes it possible to verify the feasibility of the project. And, to determine the forecast turnover of the future company.
- The preparation of financial forecasts – or provisional accounts – is essential to cost the project. Ensure its profitability and avoid navigating on sight.
- Establishing these accounts and integrating them into a business plan facilitates the search for financing. Obtaining aid and the future management of the company.
- The choice of a legal status is then necessary to allow the company to exercise its activity legally. It determines the registration formalities to be carried out in order to bring the business to life.
The process just described may seem complicated to you, and this is normal. But know that there are company secretary professionals who are at your disposal to advise you and support you in your project. Do not hesitate to get closer to a support network near you. Getting support is one of the success factors of a creative project!