In the financial market, purchasing and selling financial products is termed trading. Investors buy and sell various financial instruments like equity stocks, debentures, mutual funds, hedge funds, mutual fund units, and other short-term securities. In the early days of stock trading, investors and speculators traded with financial instruments in physical form, but in the 21st century, the physical trading account has no existence.
Online trading
In financial terminology, online trading refers to the buying and selling of financial securities (capital market securities, money market securities, and derivatives) through digital platforms. To trade online, the most important requirement is to open a trading account with any broker. Many financial firms and stockbrokers offer an online trading facility with a Demat and trading account.
In trading language, Demat account meaning can be understood with its name itself. Demat is the short form of dematerialization. It facilitates investors and traders for holding their traded securities in digital form. With a brief introduction to online trading, let’s have an insight into its features.
Features of online trading account
Following are some important features of digital trading that make it different from physical stock trading:
- Online trading involves the electronic transfer of securities between traders.
- It requires multiple essentials like opening a trading account, demat account, and digital bank account.
- It ensures paperless transactions with a short settlement period.
- To execute trades, brokers and depositories offer services with the majorly two stock exchanges which are, Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange.
- With the online financial trading facility, foreign investors can buy securities from anywhere in the world.
These points will guide you to understand and analyze the basic concept of an online trading system.
If you are going to participate in the stock market, some important trading requirements and mechanisms will guide you in the practical buying and selling of stocks and other financial securities. Among different requirements and concepts, the stock trading mechanism is an important aspect that you can understand as follows:
How to execute stock trading digitally
To answer this question, you can follow the procedure of online stock market trading. It includes selecting a broker, opening a trading account with several documents, and performing real-time buying and selling of any security. You should keep in mind the following steps for the trading procedure:
Select a broker by analyzing several parameters
The first and foremost step in trading is the selection of a stockbroker. In India, you can find many brokerage firms which offer demat and trading account facilities. You need to analyze various parameters in order to choose the best trading services. These include brokerage charges, document-related requirements, support services, and account activation period.
Open trading account
An essential requirement to trade online is a digital trading cum demat account. You can open your account with any brokerage house by filling an application form which is available online. After filling the application form, you are required to upload various documents. These documents validate your information filled in the application.
After proper document uploading and verification, brokers provide you a unique investor ID. It allows you to trade in the stock market digitally.
Perform online trading
The most important and challenging task in online trading is purchasing and selling financial instruments. You can buy any security through your broker’s digital platforms such as websites and mobile apps. You can place your order anytime from anywhere in the world.
Online trading is termed as online buying and selling of securities for which you require to open a trading account. With a trading and Demat account, you can trade and hold your securities with online depositories. With these related characteristics, you can perform hassle-free trading. The online trading facility allows investors and traders to buy and sell financial securities globally. You can start your global journey with this advanced financial system.
Also read:- Demat Account: Everything You Should Know About It