The name of Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana is made up of four words namely Ardha, Baddha, Padma, and Uttan and Ardha means half, bound means bound, Padma means lotus flower, and Uttan means stretched and half bound Padmottasana is also called Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend in the English language. This asana is done standing up, In the beginning, it may seem a bit difficult to do this asana but with gradual practice, it can be done easily, So many other mental abilities can be improved by Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana.
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana helps in improving mental and emotional balance. It strengthens the hips, hamstrings, shoulders, and knees.
Utthita Parsvakonasana and Parsvottanasana can be done before doing Ardha Baddha Padmottasana, and after Ardha Baddha Padmottasana, Utkatasana and Dandasana can be done, Know how to do this asana, about its benefits and precautions to be taken in mind.
How to do Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana:
- To do this asana, first, stand in the posture of Tadasana. Take the breath in and lift your right leg and take it on the left thigh.
- Try to bring it as high as you can and in this position, there will be a strain in your right knee and hip.
- In this position, make your balance well. To maintain balance, keep your attention on your left foot.
- If your foot is sliding down, you can also hold it with your hand to balance the foot.
- After this, bring your right hand from behind the back to the front and grab the toe of the right foot with the right hand.
- After this, exhale once or twice inwards and outwards.
- Now while exhaling, bend from the joints of the hips. In this, remember not to bend from the joints at the waist. And while bending down, exhale.
- After this, rest the left hand on the ground. In this, the hand should be in the line of the foot.
- Now take about five breaths in and out.
- With this, you will be able to stay in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds. You can increase its time if you practice slowly.
- Keep in mind that it should not be done for more than 90 seconds.
- Try to keep your back straight. In this position, let your head hang straight. This will not stress your neck muscles.
- You can come out of this pose after inhaling five times.
- To come out of the asana, while breathing in, lift the torso upwards.
- Remember that you keep your back straight. Also, come back up from the joints of your hips.
- Do not release the right toe right now. When you stand completely straight, then release your thumb.
- Lower your right leg. Now lower both the hands too. Simultaneously, you can finish Tadasana.
- This process is over, do it from the left side also.
Benefits of Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana:
- This asana is good for strengthening the legs.
- By doing Ardha Baddha Padmottasana, the ability to concentrate is developed.
- By regularizing this asana, the digestive system improves.
Precautions :
- People who have pain in their knees should not do this asana.
- If you have pain in your lower
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